Open Data Policy Live for Public Comment

Today, we are excited to release the City of Syracuse’s Open Data Policy. This policy is different because we are asking you to comment on it before it is made official. Visit this site and state your support or opposition. Additionally, you can comment or leave notes so the policy can be changed where appropriate.

This policy was crafted with help from City department staff, community members, cities across the country who have issued similar policies, and our partners at the Bloomberg Philanthropies funded What Works Cities program - specifically the Sunlight Foundation and the Center for Government Excellence at Johns Hopkins University.

This policy will formalize the release of data collected by the City of Syracuse to the public. It is our belief that this data can be useful to the community and its release will help to tell the story about what happens in the city every day. We will be deliberate about how data is released in the future to ensure that nothing sensitive in nature is made public. At the same time, we will work hard to ensure that there is a feedback mechanism so we can understand which types of data have the highest demand from the public.

Please leave a comment on the policy before it is finalized. The public comment period goes until Friday, April 28, 2017!

Comment here!